Distribution in Krkonoše, Jizerské a Orlické hory region
For the company Bidfood Czech Republic s. r. o., We deliver chilled and frozen food to customers located in the mountain areas. We use specially assembled and equipped vehicles for this activity.
Our almost thirty years of experience and a serious approach guarantees that the requirements for high-quality transport are fully met and accomplished. Simply put, your products reach your customers on time.
The advantageous location of our complex near the regional cities of Hradec Králové and Pardubice, the near proximity of the D 11 motorway for easy supply of the distribution warehouse give a precondition for the fulfillment of transport orders.

Pallet distribution of goods for HOPI
We distribute goods For HOPI s. r. o. according to daily transport requirements. The transport is focused on pallet transport of chilled and frozen foods, or goods in the so -called dry transport mode. For this type of varied activities, we use refrigerated vehicles, with some of them equipped with a separating wall for combined transport. Vehicles are configured as required by our client. All our distribution vehicles are equipped with temperature logging and printing device. The pallet capacity of our fleet is in the range of 12-21 pallets, with a useful load capacity from 2.500 kg to 13.400 kg. The vehicles are equipped with hydraulic lifts and manual or electric pallet trolley with a load capacity of 1,500-2,000 kg.
More than thirty years of experience and serious approach to each transport guarantee meeting high quality transport requirements of our clients. Simply put, your orders entrusted to the distribution will be delivered to your customers in time and in the required quality.
The advantageous location and equipment of our complex near the regional towns of Hradec Králové and Pardubice, the proximity of the highway D 11 for easy supply of the distribution warehouse, gives a prerequisite for the fulfilment of transport orders.
We assign the vehicle´s construction exactly to customer requirements with maximum emphasis on the environmental friendliness of vehicles. To meet this condition, we have fleet of 5 respected brands of trucks. When designing trucks, we proceed very carefully based on the customer requirements. Always in the first place is to meet the requirements of the client, so some vehicles are unique in the world, but perfectly serving their purpose.
- Vehicles 4x4 – for distribution in mountain areas
- Vehicles 4x2 with higher vehicle gradient
- Vehicles 4x2 for standard distribution in region
- Vehicles 4x2 for long-range transport with emphasis on the environmental friendliness
- T.T.TRANS s.r.o., Rašínova 1003, 503 15 Nechanice
- +420 495 441 210